
About Action Men’s Health

Our Mission

Action Men’s Health

Low Testosterone Physicians

Here at Action Men’s Health, we know what you are experiencing

Our Doctors have diagnosed and treated men with age-related symptoms of low testosterone (andropause).  Ask yourself:

  • Are 30 years old or older?
  • Are you feeling tired all of the time?
  • Feeling a lack of motivation and self being?
  • Struggling to build and maintain muscle?
  • Experiencing lack of libido and function?
  • Feeling depressed and reclusive?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above symptoms, you could benefit by scheduling a free consultation with one of our highly trained staff.  We are tuned in to the importance of patient education, and strive to help you reach your health goals – including answering any questions you have.

Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.

-John F. Kennedy

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