When I began my regimen provided by Action Men’s Health I weighed 169lbs (October 2015). I had atrophied due to immobility and complications from Guillain Barre Syndrome from a weight of 195lbs in late 2011, and had lost all muscle tone as well.
Along with my VA physicians (my primary physician monitors my Action Men’s Health RX’s), neurologists, and specialists … Action Men’s Health has had a tremendous impact on my health, life, and obviously muscle gain as I now weigh 210-lbs (3/22/2018). I will always have to live a cautious life and maintain specialists and neurologists due to my illnesses and the complications from them, such as my weakened immune system.
However, Action Men’s Health has assisted in making me stronger and healthier. And as my VA infectious disease specialist told me from day one, “the healthier you can get, the longer you will live with your neurological and other health conditions, it won’t be easily but you can prolong your life and increase the quality of your life”.
As a result of my service during the “Gulf War”, in August, 2011 I became very ill due to complications from a chemical exposure, as well as other factors and incidences during my service that effected my health in a negative way.
From August, 2011 until my early retirement from Southern California Edison I spent many months in and out of the VA Medical Centers in Loma Linda and W. Los Angeles, California, and Cincinnati VAMC being treated for 1) seizures, 2) Guillain-Barre, and 3) other health issues attributed to “Gulf War” service and exposures.
Over the last 6 ½ years I have recovered enough to have the medical release on my driver’s license removed and I do have a fully trained service dog, Ronnie, who is certified by Service Dogs International. He was provided to me by the VA, when I was at my worst, for seizures, mobility (Guillain-Barre Syndrome).
So, I’d recommend Action Men’s Health to anyone who wants or needs to get healthy. If you have physicians and specialists they should be willing to work with you in becoming a healthier you.