I’ve always had a good experience working with the staff. Our communication has been primarily e-mail yet I bet if I bumped into you and a BBQ I’d recognize them and we’d have a nice chat. Their staff is the polished clinical staff who unlike other clinical staff I’ve encountered, they do not come off as pushy or pretending to be my new best friend yet are unfailingly friendly and professional. And I know it’s a clinical staff ‘s job to know your product but Action Men’s Health staff seems a step above. I’ve bounced fairly complex medical questions off them and they always knows the answer. The few times I’ve looked up what was said has been right on the money. In summary, I’d be glad to offer an anonymous testimonial I realize there is no shame in having low T yet I’m still pretty close to my retired ex-cop pals and I’ve not even told my wife I’ve been doing this. I’d rather keep it that way though one day I’ll likely tell my dear wife of 36 years what I’m up to.
I’ve been a gym rat since my wife gently handed me a gym membership when I was hired in 1983 at over 6 feet 3 and a whopping 170 pounds she knew I’d need more weight to wrestle drunks and she was right. That would have been my before picture because it took years of hard work and some force feeding (I burn food fast and had to wake up with an alarm to get another shake down. My wife hated me for having to fight to put on weight BTW.) I ended up at 200 pounds and fine with beach clothing. When I felt listless and out of gas before I started your program my T was at about 200 which I knew was low but my MD said it was “within normal limits” and that was the end of the discussion. I turned to you guys in desperation and have been very pleased with the results. It’s not really at my age (almost 60) that I’ve gained muscle mass as much as I’ve maintained most of what I worked so hard for and the medication has improved my mood and energy. So…….I’ll do it and write it much better but I have to run now. Let me know about how long you want it (paragraphs) and I’ll give it a go. I hope all is well with you. I’ll have something for you by the beginning of next week.