In order to be considered for an Action Men’s Health program, you will be required to meet one of our physicians in person for an appointment, which would cover a physical exam and consultation. This would be used with your laboratory bloodwork results to identify your therapy program.
All patient therapy will be recommended by a medical doctor based on:
- extensive specialist blood work,
- a physical exam,
- patient medical history,
- and severity of symptoms.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy can include three base medications, based on what the doctor recommends. First, our medical doctors work with different types of testosterone. The appropriate form and dosage of testosterone would be used to safely increase levels. Additional medications to ensure your natural production does not decline may also be included in your therapy. These clinically induce testosterone production in the testes, to prevent testicular shut down or atrophy. And finally, an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) may be used to reduce the action of estrogen while taking external testosterone. The AI would be used to prevent a condition called gynecomastia, or the enlargement of glandular tissue on the male chest.